I will echo your other readers, Erin, this line really spoke to me as well, "We make time for what we love, and when I look back on my life, I want it to be clear that what I loved was Jesus." This is true about anything of which we say, "I don't have enough time for ______________________."

Also, it's amazing how much more brain space I have since I left social media. It's a win-win as the focus I have now is able to become what matters--real live people and God's Word.

P.S. I'm currently in a Voxer group memorizing Psalm 91--I've got four verses on four cards for a total of 16 altogether. Totally doable and soooo worthwhile.

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Ohh, that’s cool about the Voxer group for memorizing. I would love to hear more about how that works!

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“We make time for what we love, and when I look back on my life, I want it to be clear that what I loved was Jesus.” Yes & amen! Loved this Erin, thank you so much for sharing!

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Thanks so much for reading, Sara!

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Erin you are the third person to recommend this book to me. I need to get it. I am teaching through Romans to my women's bible study this year (and with a mob of little kids it takes 18 months - 2 years to get through a book). I told the women that I want to lean into the slow, to try and memorise scripture, so I have been pulling together resources on how to do this. This is EXACTLY what I needed to read.

But I like how you outlined how you do this on the daily. Tech can be so helpful. I've used verses before, writing scripture on my windows with paint pen, and just listening to the book I'm studying repetitively. I started the Bible Recap this year, and I plan to try and memorise some of Romans and get back into catechism with my oldest son. So, yeah, lots of little inputs I guess. Any time I spend doing this is less time I am wasting on pointless stuff. They're all deposits!

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I love The Bible Recap! And I am so glad this encouraged you!

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Oh, maybe this book would be good for my husband who always says he had a hard time memorizing scripture. For myself personally, I’ve been listening to the Bible regularly since the beginning of 2022, and it’s been such a blessing. Helped me read through the Bible in one year for the first time!

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It has some very practical tips!

I read through the Bible last year primarily by listening to it and loved it!

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Jan 19Liked by Erin Mount

Great post Erin! The app I used in 2020 to memorize all those verses (snf still use) is Bible Memory Pro. It’s free to use, but to get much good out of it, it’s a one-time $9.99 charge. It’s SO worth it! I certainly can’t quote all the scriptures, but I’m up to over 500 that I can partially quote, and you know how I love to quote movie and tv lines, so at least this is something that counts for eternity! Ha!

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Over 500?? You are awesome!

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I just discovered the Dwell Differently visual memory method through Every Moment Holy’s advent journal - I like the creativity and uniqueness of it.

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Are those the tattoos that have the first letter of each word?

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Yep! They’d be fun to doodle in church and stuff I think

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ERIN. Gosh, thank you for sharing this. What a blessing to see this in my inbox this morning. My goal in writing Memorizing Scripture was exactly this—to encourage readers to dive into what I believe is a deeply transformative practice. "If memorizing Scripture matters to you, you can do it." Yes!! Thank you, friend!

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